Imagine camping in the wild, watching the sunset over the Mau Escarpment, sitting by your fire under the stars, this is the way camping should be. Our camping site is perfectly located in the middle of the Oserengoni Wildlife Sanctuary. A beautiful 10 acre plot surrounded by a hidden electric fence making you feel part with nature but at a safe distance. The campsite has water onsite and a toilet, small luxuries so there is no need to go off and find a "bush toilet". The area is perfect for kids to roam around and ride their bikes around the site, little paths have been created for you to enjoy the indigenous trees, flowers and plants. The property does have the occasional wild visitor such as genet cats, warthogs, dikdiks and the occasional vervet monkey, making you feel even more in the wild. There is also some complimentary wood waiting for you and more to purchase at the gate. In addition there is the Oserengoni Charcoal which is sustainable made in parts of the sanctuary from the leleshwa trees which dominate the surroundings. This Charcoal is made from part of a leleshwa and the rest of the tree then regenerates, making this a perfect way to harvest much needed charcoal.
Naivasha is known for having an amazing climate, day temperatures can reach 28 - 30 degrees Celsius, but at night can drop to a very fresh 6 degrees celcious. Star gazing is one of the best to be had in this location due to the lack of light pollution, spotting safelights and shooting stars while listening to the hyena call in the distance is a great way to spend an evening.
For that moment when you realised you forgot the sugar just 10 minutes down the road there is La Pieve Farm Shop. This fantastic farm shop is stocked with everything you could possibly need. Or if you don't feel like cooking for the kids, right next to the farm shop is Ranch House Bistro, call ahead and order your takeaway pizzas!
The Oserengoni Wildlife Sanctuary is one of Naivasha's hidden gems, and old wheat farm converted back fro nature it has become a refuge for wildlife in Naivasha. The bird life around the campsite is fantastic with over 400 bird species recorded in Naivasha alone. Some of the birds you will wake up to while camping are, Grey crested helmet shrike, Northern Anteater chat, Scarlet Chested Sunbird and the Augur Buzzard just to name a few.


Make sure you have enough torches & solar lights to enjoy your evenings & spotting any wildlife by the waterhole.

The nights & early mornings in the Oserengoni Wildlife Sanctuary can be chilly so make sure you pack warm clothes & a warm sleeping bag.

Don't forget your cooking utensils & food. Although we have a wonderful restaurant & farm shop only minutes down the road if you don't feel like cooking or forgot that essential item!

Most important for that sundowner fire & after dinner marshmallows is your lighter to get that fire going!

Sometimes its easy to forget the most obvious items, remember to pack your camp chairs & tables!

Last but not least is a good pair of binoculars, with a wildlife waterhole & abundance of birds you are sure to see something exciting!
Adults: KES. 2350
Children/students: KES. 1175
Non Residents:
Adults: USD. 50
Children/Students: USD. 24
Adults: KES. 1000
Children/students: KES. 500
Non Residents:
Adults: USD. 30
Children/Students: USD. 15
Exclusive Campsite Booking Fee: KES. 10,ooo per night
Optional Extras
Firewood - First load free, 2nd load is KES 1,000 per load
Security Guard - KES 1,500 per night
Ground Deposit - KES 5,00o - to be refunded if camping grounds left in good condition
Additional Activities
Climbing Mt. Mula
Guided game drive in a safari land cruiser
Guided bush walk in the wildlife sanctuary
Guided boat ride on Lake Naivasha and Lake Oloidien